Vision for the Future

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Capital Campaign

"Implementing the Vision"

As we move from the conceptual phase of St. Edna's "Vision for the Future" to the implementation of the plan, the first step in the process is determining the feasibility of funding.  To accomplish this, an interview committee was formed to seek out a company to facilitate the Capital Campaign necessary to move the "Vision" to reality.

The committee consisted of Fr. Jerry, Pat Freeman (St. Edna's Parish Manager), and three members of the Finance Council.  The Chicago Archdiocese supplied the committee with a list of firms that have had success managing similar campaigns both in and outside the Archdiocese.

The committee analyzed the long list of names and sent several requests for proposals (RFP) to select companies.  From the responses, the list was narrowed to three, and the committee interviewed and interacted with each of the applicants.  What we found were three very capable and talented organizations; however, each company approached the campaign with a little different agenda.  The committee's task was to decide on the company that would give the parish the greatest chance of success without overloading the parish staff.

It was a difficult decision for the committee because all three firms made great presentations, but after much discussion the unanimous choice was CCS, 155 North Wacker, Chicago.  CCS was founded in 1947 and has its roots in Catholic Parish Fundraising.  They are currently working on 15 parish projects and their client list is very impressive.  They have successfully worked with St. Viator Catholic High School, Arlington Heights; Holy Family Catholic Church, Inverness; St. Cletus Catholic Church, La Grange; St. Anne Catholic Church, Barrington; St. Raymond, Mt. Prospect; St. Mary of the Annunciation, Mundelein; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Orland Hills - just to name a few.

From this point forward, the successful road to implementing the Vision for the Future will require the participation of all of you!  There will be the Building Committee, the Capital Campaign Committee, and most importantly the prayers of all and the financial support of all who are able.

Implementing the "Vision for the Future" will only be successful with the support of St. Edna parishioners.  As each member of the parish reflects on their level of participation in the Capital Campaign, we ask that you pray over your deliberation before coming to a decision.  We understand it is a very personal decision.  We offer the following words for your consideration...

Prayer for the Master Plan Project
Heavenly Father,
we come before you, to ask for your guidance,
as we, the Congregation of St. Edna
are about to respond to the needs
for the future growth of our parish.

Give us the vision to see the future,
and the charity to understand
the needs of those who will follow after us.

We pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten
our minds and hearts to do your will.
We pray our campaign may be successful.

We ask that you bless each person
as they pray and ponder
their ability to bring your gospel and the Eucharist
to future generations.

Help us to serve you humbly and sincerely,
We pray always through Christ, our Lord,

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