Vision for the Future

Friday, March 30, 2012

Beginning to Make Beautiful Music

As we move closer to our quest for the "Vision for the Future of St. Edna's," we are experiencing increased activities behind the scenes.  One could compare all of this to assembling a magnificent concert orchestra.  In place of the strings, percussion, keyboard, brass and other wind instruments, we have all those involved individuals needed to be in concert for our vision to become reality.  Included in our "orchestra" will be the Chicago Archdiocese, our architect, our neighbors to the North and East, the Village of Arlington Heights, hundreds of volunteers to staff the two major committees, and thousands of parishioners to participate in the Capital Campaign.

It is easy to understand that before Father Jerry can raise his baton to signal the start of the concert, a great deal of preliminary work has been required.  The architect will change the original project renderings to formal drawings.  The Chicago Archdiocese will need to approve the formal plans.  We will need to keep our neighbors informed of both our plans and our progress.  The Building and Capital Campaign committees will need to be formed and become functional.  The Village of Arlington Heights will then be involved in giving their approval not only to our plan but to each phase of the project.  However, without question, the most important ingredient will be those parishoners who make the decision to bring the vision to life through their participation in the Capital Campaign.

The "Vision for the Future of St. Edna's" is need based, revealed through parishioner and parish staff dialog in addition to professional inspection of the parish physical assets.  The repair and replacement of some of the outdated physical plant was obvious, and expanding the space for our faith-based programs and fellowship gatherings was understandable.

As a Catholic parish, what greater purpose should we serve than to be evangelists?  The need to teach the gospel was further brought out in a study led by Catholic University sociologist William D'Antonio.  Of the U.S. Catholic adults surveyed:
  • 40% said you can be a good Catholic without believing that during the consecration the bread and wine really become the body and blood of Christ
  • The survey also revealed that only 73% of these same Catholics said that the resurrection of Jesus was very important to them.
St. Edna's is blessed with an incredible staff plus able volunteers to teach faith-based programs at all levels.  Now we need the space to answer the growing need.  We ask that you remember this as you pray about your level of involvement.  We also ask that you pray for the success of our campaign and for all those who freely give of their time and talents to bring theVision to life.

Father Jerry is approaching the podium, and the overture is about to begin.  All participants are moving toward their places and soon all will be in concert.  We ask that you join in this wonderful St. Edna production.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Capital Campaign

"Implementing the Vision"

As we move from the conceptual phase of St. Edna's "Vision for the Future" to the implementation of the plan, the first step in the process is determining the feasibility of funding.  To accomplish this, an interview committee was formed to seek out a company to facilitate the Capital Campaign necessary to move the "Vision" to reality.

The committee consisted of Fr. Jerry, Pat Freeman (St. Edna's Parish Manager), and three members of the Finance Council.  The Chicago Archdiocese supplied the committee with a list of firms that have had success managing similar campaigns both in and outside the Archdiocese.

The committee analyzed the long list of names and sent several requests for proposals (RFP) to select companies.  From the responses, the list was narrowed to three, and the committee interviewed and interacted with each of the applicants.  What we found were three very capable and talented organizations; however, each company approached the campaign with a little different agenda.  The committee's task was to decide on the company that would give the parish the greatest chance of success without overloading the parish staff.

It was a difficult decision for the committee because all three firms made great presentations, but after much discussion the unanimous choice was CCS, 155 North Wacker, Chicago.  CCS was founded in 1947 and has its roots in Catholic Parish Fundraising.  They are currently working on 15 parish projects and their client list is very impressive.  They have successfully worked with St. Viator Catholic High School, Arlington Heights; Holy Family Catholic Church, Inverness; St. Cletus Catholic Church, La Grange; St. Anne Catholic Church, Barrington; St. Raymond, Mt. Prospect; St. Mary of the Annunciation, Mundelein; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Orland Hills - just to name a few.

From this point forward, the successful road to implementing the Vision for the Future will require the participation of all of you!  There will be the Building Committee, the Capital Campaign Committee, and most importantly the prayers of all and the financial support of all who are able.

Implementing the "Vision for the Future" will only be successful with the support of St. Edna parishioners.  As each member of the parish reflects on their level of participation in the Capital Campaign, we ask that you pray over your deliberation before coming to a decision.  We understand it is a very personal decision.  We offer the following words for your consideration...

Prayer for the Master Plan Project
Heavenly Father,
we come before you, to ask for your guidance,
as we, the Congregation of St. Edna
are about to respond to the needs
for the future growth of our parish.

Give us the vision to see the future,
and the charity to understand
the needs of those who will follow after us.

We pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten
our minds and hearts to do your will.
We pray our campaign may be successful.

We ask that you bless each person
as they pray and ponder
their ability to bring your gospel and the Eucharist
to future generations.

Help us to serve you humbly and sincerely,
We pray always through Christ, our Lord,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Seeking Approval from the Archdiocese of Chicago

We started with the formation of a "Master Plan" then relayed the "Plan" to the parish through a series of Town Hall Meetings. At the same time these steps were happening, Fr. Jerry began the process of the approval requirements from the Archdiocese of Chicago. There is a 38-page Archdiocesan Manual of suggestions, general procedures, and sign-off approval protocols for Capital Improvement Projects for parishes that must be followed.

Obviously, this step includes presenting the brick and mortar of the project; however, the emphasis must be on the "Vision" for the build-up. It must be shown that the building project is driven by the needs of the "Vision." Once the needs are understood, the easiest part of the plan is drawing a new building or retrofitting an existing building. It is the "Vision" that breathes life into the structures and delivers the purpose of the project.

St. Edna's "Vision for the Future" is far-reaching. Since its inception, St. Edna's physical plant, faith-based ministries, and fellowship gatherings have continued to expand. This growth, both in attendance and scope, has created a space problem. In many cases, programs have waiting lists for additional particpants. In addition to our space needs, many of the parish's physical assets have matured beyond their life expectancy.

With all the collected information in hand, the "St. Edna's Vision for the future" was presented to the Archdiocese. We explained our need to house our clergy safely and reduce unnecessary existing space due to declining priest numbers. To accomplish this, we need to replace the exisiting rectory.

While gathering information, the Planning Committee listened as parishioners and parish staff voiced their thoughts for the future direction of St. Edna. The need to expand our involvement with the youth and youth adults of the parish was expressed over and over. We were reminded that our young people are bombarded each day with conflicting messages regarding their faith and morality through the internet superhighway of information and misinformation. 

To gain the attention of our youth and continue to present the teachings of the Catholic Church to them, we need a venue that will allow us to offer meditation with recreation plus room for Catholic instructions.  This venue should be such that it will take advantage of up-to-date technology for audiovisual presentations.  Father explained the need to build a "Multitorium" and also renovate the lower level of the Hurley Center.  This structure would also house programs that will attract adult men and women groups and be the home for our expanding fellowship gathers available to all parishioners throughout the year.



Father also explained our wish to provide a quiet worship area for our parishioners and our proposal to add a chapel area to our existing church proper. 


Father Jerry further explained that we need more space to continue to expand our faith programs:
Catechesis, L.I.F.E., Youth Ministry, Confirmation Preparation, Sacramental Preparation, Religious Education Programs, Liturgy of the Word for Children, Vacation Bible School, Welcoming Committee,  Baptism Preparation, Marriage Preparation, R.C.I.A., Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Stewardship Council, Worship Commission, Parish Life Commission, Human Concerns Commission, Faith Formation Commission, Outreach to the Poor, Moms Plus, Sunday Nursery, Christian Family Movement, Bereavement Ministry, Support Groups, Sharing Coffee, Saint Edna Angels, Joanne's Raggedy Ann Club, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Respect Life Ministry, Brothers Reaching Out, S.H.A.R.E, Disaster Assistance Ministry, Justice & Service, Prayer and Worship, Advocacy, Snack Theatre, Young At Heart, Puppet Ministry, Christ Renews His Parish, Transformation Scvripture Sharing, Women's Spirituality, Women of St. Edna, Food Pantry Workers, Respect Life Committee, Rosary Group, and S.H.A.R.E. Referral for Employment.



Father Jerry's presentation of St. Edna's "Vision for the Future" received a preliminary go ahead to move to the next of several levels of approval required by the Archdiocese.  At this posting a committee of parishioners has been formed to interview, evaluate, and eventually hire the company that will facility the Capital Campaign necessary to bring our "Vision" to reality.

We thank each of you for your ongoing support and continue to ask that you pray for the success of the project!