Vision for the Future

Friday, December 2, 2011

Town Hall Meetings

Information regarding St. Edna's "Vision for the Future" was the sole purpose of our Town Hall Meetings.  How did Parish Leadership conclude the Vision?  Where did the information come from?  Why do we need to change the way things are done?  What will it cost?  What will it involve?  How will this benefit all St. Edna parishioners overall?

Three dates were set for the meetings and publicized well in advance:
  1. Thursday, October 20th at 7:00PM
  2. Saturday, October 22nd at 10:00AM
  3. Sunday, October 30th at 1:00PM
Attendance was greater than anticipated, and in two of the meetings extra chairs had to be set up to accommodate those in attendance.  The agenda of each meeting included a detailed Power Point presentation, with time for questions and discussion.  Comment cards wer epassed out with room for additional questions and comments to be listed before turning it in.  The card also had space for an email address to be listed for those who wanted to stay in the loop of information regarding the progress of the St. Edna Vision for the Future.

Responses at the meeting and 82% of the comment cards were incredibly positive on the outline for the future.  This online journal was set up to make sure all who want to monitor the progress of the process will be kept informed.  Linked to this post is the Power Point presentation view at the Town Hall Meetings for all to review. 

In our next post, we will report on the following:
  • Several tasks have been set in motion since the meetings
  • A committee has been formed and is interviewing companies to facilitate our Capital Campaign
  • The architect will transfer the renderings of the proposed changes to formal drawings, and those drawings will be will be presented to the Archdiocese for approval
Much to do; much is being done.  Success will require the involvement of the entire parish.  We ask for your prayers.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Welcome to St. Edna's On-Line Journal!  The purpose of this site is to act as a conduit for the flow of information on the progress of the parish's "Vision for the Future."  The road is long and the hurdles many on the path to implementation.  Engaging all of our parishioners through communication is step one. 

Those individuals who attended our Town Hall Meetings and registered their email addresses will receive notification every time a new post is listed.  In the weeks and months to come, this journal will report on what is happening and in some cases what is not happening.  But whatever the case, you will be kept up-to-date and informed.

The next post will recap the Town Hall Meetings, listing some of the comments and concerns submitted by those in attendance.  After the recap posting we will begin reporting on the various start-up tasks necessary before we can begin our journey. 

First and foremost we will need formal approval from the Archdiocese on St. Edna's Vision for the Future.  Once that is accomplished the building renderings must be transferred into usable architectural drawings which can be brought to the Village of Arlington Heights for approval and permits.  We know this may take more time than we would like, but everyone will be kept up-to-date each step of the way.

At the same time these important tasks are taking place, a Building Comittee needs to be formed and interviews need to take place for the company the parish will use to facilitate our Capital Campaign.  Our intention is to keep the information interesting in content and complete in the explanation.  We thank you for your support and ask for your prayers as we begin.